- Played by Josie C.
- Age 16.
- She is very shy and timid.
- Close relationship with her brother.
- Played by Fraser W.
- Age 18.
- protective and smart.
Bully 1.
- Played by Ewa B.
- Age 16.
- Father owns biggest business in the country.
- Lives in huge mansion.
- Only child.
- Has her own pet Chihuahua.
Bully 2.
- Played by Lucy Mahoney.
- Aged 16.
- Mother owns beauty company.
- Has an older brother who is a champion tennis player.
- Family owns two houses in California.
Bully 3.
- Played by Andreia Viera.
- Age 16.
- Only child.
- Won three Miss England competitions in a row.
- Was last years prom queen.
- Is Mary’s cousin
Bully 4.
- Played by Joe Wilson.
- Age 16.
- Father is ex footballer.
- Family owns local stadium.
- One of best footballers in the county.
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